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Andras Havasi

Andras Havasi

Technology Transfer Manager - University of Malta, Malta

Technology Transfer Manager, University of Malta

Having worked in knowledge transfer for 7 years, what still excites me are the various ways our profession challenges a broad spectrum of skills and the plenty of room it offers for creativity. As a Technology Transfer Manager at the University of Malta, I have the luxury of following the whole innovation process, ie. transforming inventions into real-life solutions. It involves a wide array of activities that I have gained relevant experience in, such as scouting for and assessing new inventions, guiding inventors through the pitfalls of technology development, developing IP protection strategies, building business cases, finding the route to market and managing relationships with the stakeholders, just to name a few. Due to my mechanical engineering background I currently manage a number of technology transfer projects in related areas such as aviation, battery technology, assistive technologies, renewable energy and waste recycling. The sweetest of my tasks, however, is bringing people with various expertise together for the common goal of CREATING and IMPLEMENTING NEW IDEAS.

As a Registered Technology Transfer Professional, I also want to give back to our community. Hence, I am happy to volunteer for ASTP besides my other volunteering roles in proof of concept programmes, training about IP and commercialisation and on various committees and boards.

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