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Barbara Tan

Barbara Tan


Policy Advisor Knowledge Transfer, Department Research Affairs and Innovation, University of Antwerp

Barbara Tan currently works on behalf of the University of Antwerp as Policy Advisor Knowledge Transfer for the YUFE (Young Universities for the Future of Europe https://yufe.eu/ ) which is one of the selected European University Alliances funded by the European Commission to test and pilot different cooperation models for European Universities. One of her main tasks within this YUFE alliance is to develop together with colleagues from both the University of Antwerp and the other YUFE universities a common vision and strategy on "Flipped Knowledge Transfer".

Barbara has more than 20 years of experience in various aspects of higher education with focus on research, innovation, science and technology policy. She started her professional career as a researcher at the Center for Social Policy Herman Deleeck, where she published about persistent social inequalities in Flemish higher education. Then she became advisor for education and innovation at the Flemish employers organization Voka-Vlaams Economische Verbond for almost 6 years, where she built a wide network of business contacts. Then she returned to the University of Antwerp at the Department of Research, Innovation & Valorisation Antwerp (RIVA) in various functions among which as Valorisation Manager for the Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) as the point of contact for researchers in the domain of SSH who need support on the transfer of their scientific knowledge towards companies and other stakeholders. Barbara enabled the launch of various spin-off companies from the University of Antwerp and also holds the certificate of Registered Technology Transfer Professional (RTTP).


  • spin-off creation
  • license-agreements
  • contract research, service agreement
  • attracting external funding for collaboration with companies
  • EU/EFRO funding
  • Quadruple helix
  • Policy on knowledge transfer

Barbara joined ASTP's Europe Committee in 2023.

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