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Olivier Gillieaux

Olivier Gillieaux


Executive Officer for External Affairs, ULiège RISE - Recherche, Innovation, Support et Entreprises

Olivier is Senior Knowledge Transfer Officer at ULiege Interface Entreprise, the Knowledge Transfer Office of the University of Liege. He is in charge of coaching and giving support to the researchers for collaborative projects, licensing and spin-off creation in the Aerospace and Electronics domains.

After a master in Civil Engineering(Electronics) and an European thesis in “Genie Electrique” of the Institut National Polytehcnique de Toulouse (INPT-France) and in Applied Sciences of the University of Liège (ULiege-Belgium), Olivier worked for 15 years as project manager in the development of new products within the R & D departments of medical device company and industrial electronics companies. In 2011, he joined the ULiege Interface Entreprise in order to share his experience and contribute actively to the valuation of research with an approach of innovation process.

Olivier is member of the management committee of the Reseau LiEU, the KTO network of the French speaking Universities in Belgium and member of the ASTP's National Associations Advisory Committee (NAAC).

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