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Giuseppe Visimberga

Giuseppe Visimberga

Senior Business Developer - Leiden University, Netherlands

Giuseppe's main functions at Leiden University include reviewing undisclosed research outputs, devising valorisation strategies, advising on IP protection, coordinating partnering, and leading the licensing process.

Giuseppe is a physicist by education, his M.Sc. and PhD titles gained in native Italy. A scientific researcher in Italy and Ireland for the first part of his career (2003-2009), he moved to the Netherlands in 2010 to work at the Materials innovation institute (M2i) on EU grant development. In 2014, he moved on to research program management and IP portfolio management in the same organisation. He moved to Business Development in 2017 at the Knowledge Transfer Office of Leiden University, with a focus on the commercialization of physical sciences technologies.

He became a member of ASTP in 2017, attending several training courses, seminars and workshops to improve his skills in technology transfer. Since 2019 he contributes to ASTP’s Digital Innovation Special Interest Group and joined the Digital Events Committee in September 2021.

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