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Gregor Primc

Gregor Primc

Assistant Professor - Jozef Stefan Institute , Slovenia

Assistant Professor, Department of Surface Engineering, Jozef Stefan Institute, Slovenia

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Gregor Primc is currently working as a full-time researcher at the Department of Surface Engineering at Jozef Stefan Institute (Ljubljana, Slovenia) and as an assistant professor at Jozef Stefan International Postgraduate School. His professional work involves research on gaseous plasma discharges, plasma sources technology, plasma diagnostics, and plasma application into industrial setup. Lately, he has been involved in applying plasma technologies to agriculture, biotechnology and water disinfection sectors. Together with colleagues, he published several tens of SCI-indexed scientific papers, and he is the principal author of 3 patents and co-author of several patents and patent applications.

After his PhD's successful defence in 2014, he and three co-workers, established a spinout company Plasmadis Ltd., having an executive function. The company markets an innovative sensor for real-time diagnostic of plasma parameters and conducts consulting on plasma technologies and their use in industrial processes.

He is also the head organiser of several international conferences on plasma science and technology, domestic (Slovenia) and foreign (Asia). He actively promotes science through interviews, public art displays and lately by his engagement in European Cost Action CA19110 with Scientific Manager's function. Gregor is a member of the executive board of Society for Microelectronics, Electronic Components and Materials (MIDEM) and Slovenian Vacuum Society, and a coordinator at the Slovenian Strategic Research and Innovation Partnership Factories of Future (SRIP FoF).

Gregor also toured abroad visiting foreign universities and institutes where he studied plasma diagnostics at the University of Illinois (under Prof. Dr David Ruzic, Urbana Champaign, Chicago, USA) and DC plasma discharges at CSIRO Materials Science and Engineering (under Prof. Dr Kostya Ostrikov, Lindfield, Sydney, Australia). He has also finished a postdoc visit 2018–2019 at Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (under Prof. Dr Petr Špatenka, Prague, Czech Republic) on plasma characterisation and powdered polymers.

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