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Iman Noshadi

Iman Noshadi

Assistant Professor - Bioengineering Dept, University Of California, USA

Dr. Noshadi is an Associate Professor of Bioengineering at the University of California, Riverside (UCR).

Dr. Noshadi's multifaceted research portfolio transcends disciplinary boundaries, encompassing fields such as chemistry, materials science, biology, engineering, and medicine. His overarching research objective is to develop cutting-edge technologies that address prevalent gaps in health equity. A notable project under his leadership focuses on creating a wound dressing tailored for diabetic wounds, with a unique emphasis on expediting the healing process through advanced multifunctional biomaterials. The bio-ionic liquid functionalized gel (BioGels) platforms developed and patented in his research group balance opposing properties, such as tissue adhesion, antifouling, antimicrobial properties, transparency, and flexible mechanical properties. Dr. Noshadi's extensive decade-long experience in the development and translation of biomaterials for wound dressings uniquely positions him to spearhead the application of multifunctional biomaterials for wound dressing and evaluate their performance, particularly in both in in vitro and in vivo settings.

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