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Jérémie Langlet

Jérémie Langlet

Manager of the Business Development Office - Luxembourg Institute of Health, Luxembourg

Jérémie Langlet manages the Business Development Office of the Luxembourg Institute of Health.

He is an experienced business developer with a successful track record of deals in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries, as well as in the food and environmental sectors. Before transitioning to a business development role at research institutes, Jérémie served as a Principal Investigator in New Zealand, where he initiated and led numerous collaborative projects in clinical, food, and environmental virology across France, New Caledonia, French Polynesia, New Zealand, and Luxembourg.

Jérémie earned his PhD in Environment and Health from the University of Lorraine, France, and a Master’s in Research Commercialisation and Entrepreneurship from the University of Auckland Business School in New Zealand, where he began his entrepreneurial activities.

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