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Author image by Aurora Genta

Are you driven and inspired to support ASTP in advancing as Europe’s leading knowledge transfer (KT) association?

Do you meet the following criteria?

  • Experience serving on an ASTP committee or Special Interest Group (SIG)
  • At least five years of hands-on experience in knowledge transfer, including managing IPR, licensing, and establishing start-up companies
  • Engagement in broader knowledge transfer activities (e.g., training, networking, policy development) at regional or national levels
  • Demonstrated achievements in a commercial setting, either in industry or through substantial experience negotiating deals (licenses, investments, joint ventures) with businesses
  • A national or international network of contacts relevant to ASTP’s field of interest
  • Expertise complementary to the current board members

Read more details here. Applications to Laura MacDonald deadline 31st January 2025.

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