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On January 23, 2020, ASTP and the Joint Research Council (JRC) are bringing together key representatives from within the European Commission to meet and discuss two key themes with the community of KT practitioners represented by ASTP.

The meeting will be live-streamed from 9:30 am on January 23rd, 2020. You can access the meeting here

The first theme will focus on sharing the results of the most recent joint project with the JRC, while the second will identify topics for further direct collaboration with the EC, highlighting several other initiatives driven by these national and pan-European communities.

One of the challenges this data collection initiative faces the heterogeneous response rates from one country to the other. To improve representativeness and tap into the potential of a more comprehensive transnational dataset on KT metrics, the following  critical success factors are essential:

  • A recognised set of harmonised indicators
  • A regular annual collection in each country /Member State based on these harmonised indicators.
  • Dedicated resources to ensure a qualitative and efficient

The second part of the session will include Embedding KTOs in Horizon Europe and Engagement of SMEs in KT, all with the opportunity to discuss and identify opportunities for current EU priorities, objectives and policies to be further supported by engagement with the professional KT communities. Attending will be representatives of many of the 28 members of ASTP’s National Associations Advisory Committee (NAAC).

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