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The Joint Research Centre (JRC), the European Commission’s science and knowledge service, recently published its “Knowledge Transfer (KT) Metrics’ Report”(PDF). This scientific report was prepared by the Expert Group on KT Metrics appointed by the Competence Centre on Technology Transfer of the JRC, in partnership with ASTP.

The expert group, which included two ASTP Board members, Cécile Cavalade and Christophe Haunold was chaired by Knowledge Transfer Ireland’s Alison Campbell, undertook the study in the period September 2019 – February 2020.

The report provides 10 recommendations towards the definition and use of a common set of European KT indicators, and states that those should be considered a more simple assessment of outputs. It also emphasises the importance of reflecting both outputs AND inputs.

A series of presentations of this report by some of the authors is organised within the framework of a global dissemination plan. The first one happened remotely on 3rd July 2020 for ULB University in Brussels and the Belgian network LIEU; the next one will take place in September 2020 for the association C.U.R.I.E and the French ecosystem. Spain and Italy are next in line.

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