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Today, 29 June 2020, ASTP launched its new website as a premier service to the international knowledge transfer community.

Chief Executive, Laura MacDonald, said: “This is an ambitious project intended to deliver the best digital resources to KT practitioners and directors, business leaders and industry partners interested in connecting with the international KT community.”

Among the assets available on the new website, visitors will find a searchable resources library including recorded webinars from KT experts, case studies and templates for use by practitioners. Also available will be news and features from across European as well as access to ASTP’s new range of online services.

Laura MacDonald continued: “Developing ASTP’s online service has been a long-term project which we have be able to bring to fruition at a time when it is most needed. There will be no need for KT practitioners to miss out on valuable professional development as we are now offering online training with the equivalent CE points to help them on the road to RTTP.”

For more details contact: Noeleen O'Hara, Communications Manager

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