Awareness raising campaign on knowledge valorisation
The European Commission’s Directorate for Research & Innovation is organising an awareness raising campaign on knowledge…
The European Commission’s Directorate for Research & Innovation is organising an awareness raising campaign on knowledge…
In early December, The Council of the European Union adopted the Recommendation on the guiding principles for knowledge valorisation…
Joint Statement Paper on the Model Grant Agreement’s Intellectual Property Provisions of the European Innovation Council…
The Directors' Forum Special Interest Group are meeting in Antwerp, February 2023 to discuss Data Management for KT offices.…
The aim of this survey is to gain an understanding of the demographic makeup of the technology transfer / knowledge exchange…
A new study by the European Patent Office reveals that fewer than 1 in 7 inventors in Europe are women. .
Many things have changed in the research and innovation landscape since 2008, when the European Commission issued a Recommendation…
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