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The ASTP Special Interest Group for SSHA is a group of ASTP members with a special interest in the topic who meet regularly to interrogate the issues around knowledge transfer in the field of Social Sciences Humanities and the Arts.

The next SIG meeting is planned for 6 December 2019 at The Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna, Austria.

The forthcoming meeting will investigate a step-by-step approach to develop knowledge exchange capacities for TTOs and SSHA academics.

Knowledge exchange from Social Sciences, Humanities, and the Arts (SSHA) is a topic of growing relevance, Europe wide. The issue is, that even experienced Technology and Knowledge Transfer Officers are tapping into a new area of their profession. Patents do not play a meaningful role, transfer partners in many cases are not coming from business, but from public institutions or NGOs. Technical innovations are rare, but social innovation and social entrepreneurship make their way into the spotlight. New methods and channels of knowledge transfer and exchange are calling for advanced practices and tools.

Open only for ASTP members, this SIG SSHA meeting is about the “what to learn” and “how to train TTOs/KTOs” (and even SSHA academics) in the best way to enable SSHA knowledge exchange.

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