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The 5th UTILE project newsletter is now available!

In this newsletter, UTILE presents one of the successful technology offer present in the UTILE marketplace: the MailPan® Device! MailPan® is a bio-artificial pancreas developed to fight current unmet medical needs of diabetic patients with huge market potential. The company needs help for co-financing the development of its products towards clinical trials in the Diabetes field. Read more here.

Moreover, the UTILE partners are proud to announce that the UTILE business coaching programme has already made 10 matches between coaches and high potential innovations from previously funded FP7 and H2020 projects. The programme includes one or more individual coaching sessions with international experts where the projects can address specific business challenges or questions they currently encounter or have. There are only 3 spots left!

Furthermore, the issue reports on the 2 events organised by UTILE to free support finished Health EU-projects (funded under FP7 and H2020 funding Programmes) in valorising their research results by offering them training on IPR, venture capital, public funding and much more, as well as, the opportunity to pitch their project in front of an international panel of investors and industry experts. The first event took place in London, on the 11th July, and supported 4 projects, while the second one took place in Trieste, Italy, on the 17th and 18th October, by supporting 5 projects.

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