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Maxine Ficarra

Maxine Ficarra

CEO - PraxisAuril, UK


Maxine Ficarra is CEO of PraxisAuril, having joined Praxis Courses Ltd back in 2003, when it was first set up to establish the UK's first national training programme for TT practitioners. Since then, Maxine has worked with hundreds of expert practitioner volunteers and KE sector stakeholders to extend the organisation's professional development, membership and advocacy activities nationally and internationally. She supported Praxis Courses Ltd through its merger with Unico in 2009 and guided the Boards of PraxisUnico and Auril through the formation of PraxisAuril in 2017. 

Maxine is a linguist and has spent most of her previous career in international marketing and business administration and development, including stints in international mergers & acquisitions in the City at Credit Lyonnais; at Chartered Accountants, Deloitte, Haskins & Sells (back in the day); and more recently in Cambridge at world-leading temperature monitoring specialist, Datapaq Ltd - which involved spending interminable weeks on exhibition stands explaining the properties of stainless-steel thermal barriers in a multitude of European languages.

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