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Philippa Christoforou

Philippa Christoforou

Social Venture Lead - Oxford University Innovation, UK

At Oxford University Innovation (OUI), I hold the role of social venture lead. I am responsible for supporting members of the university to build socially and environmentally responsible businesses such as social enterprises, non-profits and B Corps.

At Oxford University Innovation (OUI), I hold the role of social venture lead. I am responsible for supporting members of the university to build socially and environmentally responsible businesses such as social enterprises, non-profits and B Corps. 

Our social venture definition encompasses any company which has a social or environmental mission in its company documents, thereby enshrining a vision and aims into the company culture. To date, we’ve created 17 social ventures including ones that help companies and countries identify households in poverty and do something about it, others that help people out of homelessness, or advise companies how to set targets to mitigate climate change impact. Our social ventures address some of the world’s biggest unmet needs. I’m delighted to be leading the next stage of our social venture journey. I am working to build a strong ecosystem of socially responsible businesses, people to advise companies or sit on boards, and connections to make things happen. 

I was drawn to OUI because of the impact that I could see research having on the world. Together with my colleague and inspirational friend, Sarah Deakin, we started an adventure in crowdfunding in 2018. OxReach was born and six campaigns, and a lot of public support later, those projects continue to thrive, creating local and international change. Greater Change was the first OxReach supported social venture, and as of 2022 has helped over 620 people out of homelessness.  

I also act as an investment manager for our portfolio of social ventures, supporting them with contacts to impact investors and making sure they are on track.  

I’m very excited to see where the coming years takes us! 

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