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Rajiv Vaid Basaiawmoit

Rajiv Vaid Basaiawmoit

Head of Sci-Tech Innovation & Entrepreneurship, Faculty of Natural Sciences - University of Aarhus, Denmark

A polymath of sorts having a PhD in Biophysics (2007), a double Masters in Biotechnology (2001) and in Business Administration (MBA - 2011).

Rajiv has since straddled various disciplines and spent various amounts of time in various fields such as Nanoscience, Molecular Biology, Organizational Psychology, Environmental Sustainability, Marketing, Social Entrepreneurship, Gamification, Ludology, Anthropology and Philosophy. In parallel, he also launched a Game studio – Biosymfonix Edu Games under his consulting business Biosymfonix. One of its flagship products is a multi-award-winning board game called ESHIP:NavigatingUncertainty which is currently in use in over 60 different institutions across 22 different countries. 

During COVID Rajiv used the down-time to create even more games and one is an expansion to the aforementioned flagship: now called GRANTED: The Research Grant Game – which helps interdisciplinary teams come together and create a skeletal grant proposal in under 3 hours. Another is a game called LeapInTime that helps lower the barrier-of-entry to the world of Intellectual Property and Patents.

Owing to his multi-disciplinary background and ability to innovate as well as coach on how to innovate, he is an invited speaker and thought leader at many conferences, events and institutions around the world from TedX to NATO and many others. Rajiv’s multi-specialty achievements and interests have spawned various inter-disciplinary collaborations with disparate entities and individuals that range from artists to scientists, to philosophers to entrepreneurs as well as museums, communication agencies, game studios and of course universities and schools.

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