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Tina Basi

Tina Basi

Social Science Impact Lead - University of Cambridge, UK

Dr Tina Basi is a sociologist with a particular expertise in commercial ethnography and applied sociology. She leads the University of Cambridge’s social science impact activities and manages the ESRC Impact Acceleration Account.

From 2011-2018 she was the Knowledge Exchange Manager at the London School of Economics as well as teaching as a Guest Lecturer on the MSc Culture and Society from 2014-2021. She has conducted research for a range of clients which include: the Department of Health; Ministry of Justice; Home Office; Intel Corporation; Facebook: The Trevor Project; Cartier; GlaxoSmithKline; Bacardi Global Brands; and numerous third sector and charity organisations. She has led research teams and conducted research in the UK, USA, Ireland, Spain, Germany, Sweden, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Ukraine, and India.

She is the co-convenor of the Sociologists outside Academia group of the British Sociological Association. They recently launched a curriculum in Applied Sociology, which can be found here http://appsoc.org.uk . She also teaches the Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy and Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction courses and has published on the sociology of mindfulness and maintains strong links to the Sussex Mindfulness Centre, NHS Trust.

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