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About Legal SIG

So much of our work involves legal questions and dilemmas. This SIG works to collect and share knowledge and experience. Join the SIG and their monthly meeting with different legal topics each month.

Are you interested in becoming a volunteer? Contact Arlyta Wibowo

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Legal SIG Resources


MRC Ethics on Human Tissue and Biological samples for use in research

Samples of human biological material are used for many purposes and are of increasing importance as the funders of research, whether public, charitable or commercial, prioritise areas which rely upon access to human biological samples.


On-the-job training at PROvendis

PROvendis has its origins in the innovation consulting firm Zenit GmbH. Founded in 1984, ZENIT is a Public Private Partnership owned by the State of North Rhine- Westphalia, a consortium of banks and an association comprising some 180 enterprises.


Organising a multi-university TT company at Ascenion

Founded in 2001 as a wholly-owned subsidiary of the LifeScience Foundation, Ascenion is a technology transfer company focusing on the field of life sciences. It currently serves a total of 23 research institutes and university hospitals all over Germany.


Patent Inventor Form

In order to assist its researchers in providing this information, KU Leuven Research & Development (technology transfer office of KU Leuven) has developed a mandatory Patent Inventor Form.


Practices, policies and possibilities in licensing in Human Genetics

This document starts from the observation that in tandem with rapid advances in biotechnology research having valuable applications for use in healthcare the Canadian technology transfer activity has grown significantly.


Processes and requirements with respect to spin-out company formation

While the IP Office recognizes that the specifics of any start-up company development may be unique, it has identified a number of common elements and the IP Office has developed standard mechanisms and support structures to assist with this process.

How to initiate a SIG?

Do you have a specialist interest, a burning issue, or a brilliant insight which you would like to share with the ASTP community? This guide book explains how you can initiate a Special Interest Group (SIG) with the help of HQ and your ASTP colleagues.

Download the Guide