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About New Professionals SIG

The New Professionals SIG is an anchor point for individuals that are new to the field of Knowledge Transfer (KT) and Technology Transfer (TT). The SIG aims to help new professionals navigate the diverse set of opportunities and resources available to them in the K/TT field to successfully support their professional development.

The New Professionals SIG is open for individuals who are:

  • Looking to transfer into KT
  • New to the field of KT
  • Already in KT but are transitioning into a new role
  • Wishing to build on and diversify their experience within the field
  • Wishing to network with other KT professionals
  • Wishing to share their experience within the field
  • Team leaders who want to provide professional development opportunities for their staff.

We are looking for volunteers. Are you interested in a coordinator role? Contact Arlyta at HQ

Other SIGs

New Professionals SIG Resources


New Professionals Forum Meeting #2

At the second bi-monthly New Professionals SIG in April 2022, welcomed ASTP Board member Anji Miller to discuss "How to develop your skills and professional contacts"


New Professionals Forum Meeting #3

The third meeting of the New Professional SIG hears from Dr Salma Ishaq from King's College London to discuss: "What is the purpose of tech transfer/knowledge exchange?"


New Professionals SIG Meeting #1

The newly established New Professionals Special Interest Group instigated their first meeting in February 2022. This is a recording of their first meeting, with special guest Alessandra Baccigotti outline the road to professional accreditation with ATTP.

How to initiate a SIG?

Do you have a specialist interest, a burning issue, or a brilliant insight which you would like to share with the ASTP community? This guide book explains how you can initiate a Special Interest Group (SIG) with the help of HQ and your ASTP colleagues.

Download the Guide