Third Party Projects
Third Party Projects
ASTP and its members have a distinguished track record of partnering with international organisations and institutions to deliver projects to the knowledge transfer ecosystem. We are always interested in joining new projects.

RM RoadMap
Co-Creating the future of Research Management
Creating Framework Conditions for Research Management to Strengthen the European Research Area
A pan-European community of research management excellence, coming together over three years to define a roadmap for our profession.
Follow our socials, sign-up for updates or check back for news of our forthcoming Knowledge and Community Platform, Ambassador Network and other crucial outputs from our project.
Visit the project website here

Strategic and targeted support to incentivise talented newcomers to NMBP projects under Horizon Europe
FIT-4-NMP's overall objective is to increase the participation of talented newcomers from underrepresented regions in
NMBP projects in Horizon Europe, as compared to Horizon 2020. Talented newcomers are promising innovation organisations – especially SMEs – that have not participated in H2020 NMBP. Meanwhile, underrepresented regions are regions in EU-13, EU-15 and Associated Countries with a low participation in H2020 NMBP. The increase in participation of the talented newcomers will be brought about by connecting them with NMBP hotspots, where important NMBP innovations are demonstrated, as well as networking them with NMBP Top Innovators.
FIT-4-NMBP will take strategic and targeted approaches to achieve this overall objective.
From a strategic perspective, FIT-4-NMBP will survey talented newcomers and experts responsible for regional and national R&I policy, in order to understand the precise reasons for non-participation of newcomers in NMBP projects. In turn, best practices will be identified and policy measures formulated and communicated to relevant stakeholders: talented newcomers; regional/national authorities responsible for R&I policy; local innovation and technology transfer nodes; and the EC.
Catch up with the latest presentations for FIT-4-NMP here (May 2021)

European Network of Research Infrastructures & Industry for Collaboration
The ENRIITC project aims to build a permanent pan-European network of Industrial Liaison and Contact Officers (ILOs and ICOs) and enable industry to become a full partner of research infrastructures whether it is as a user, a supplier, or a co-creator. In other words, ENRIITC supports the establishment of strategic, cross-border partnerships between industry and research infrastructures.
The primary objectives of ENRIITC are:
Establish a sustainable European network of ILOs and ICOs which enables mutual learning
Map collaboration potential between research infrastructures and industry,
Develop and refine strategies and best practices to foster these collaborations,
Raise awareness among industry for collaboration opportunities at research infrastructures, and demonstrate impact.
ENRIITC brings together 11 Partners and more than 60 Associates from around Europe. The network members represent diverse scientific areas, industrial sectors and geographical regions. ENRIITC is inclusive and welcomes new members.

EIPIN Innovation Society
EIPIN Innovation Society is a comprehensive project at the forefront of multidisciplinary research, examining the role of intellectual property (IP) as a complex adaptive system in innovation.
The focus will be on the European regulatory framework for fostering innovation with the aim of enhancing Europe’s capacity for innovation-based sustainable economic growth. The longstanding European Intellectual Property Institutes Network (EIPIN), a consortium of leading research and training centres in the area of intellectual property, is the driving force behind the project. The project will officially start on 1 March 2017.

InvestHorizon was a programme designed to increase investments made in innovative European SMEs through Investment Readiness development and Investor sensitisation.
InvestHorizon is a programme designed to increase investments made in innovative European SMEs through Investment Readiness development and Investor sensitisation. The objectives are: increase TT investments, identify and develop Investment readiness programmes and policy practices, support and inform investors to improve knowledge about innovation sectors.

UTILE aimed to develop an online marketplace to promote awareness and access to outputs of completed FP7 health projects.
UTILE aimed to develop an online marketplace to promote awareness and access to outputs of completed FP7 health projects. The defragmentation of opportunities and their presentation in a market-attractive context (all as driven by informed market players) should increase success rates of conversion of results into development or exploitation projects.

Public Research Organisation GRowing Europe through best practice SolutionS for Technology Transfer is a 3-year pilot initiative funded by the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme
Public Research Organisation GRowing Europe through best practice SolutionS for Technology Transfer was a 3-year pilot initiative funded by the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme. The project aimed to contribute to Europe’s economic growth by ensuring that PROs are better equipped to transfer valuable knowledge to industry. The project facilitated the exchange and sharing of experiences, capacity building between Europe’s leading PROs and those PROs with the greatest potential to commercialise their research results, which was done by gathering best practices and developing an applicable and sustainable collection of technology transfer tools, methods and insights.
The EU has recognised ASTP as the custodian of the legacy of this project, which will be of great value and relevance for our members and for the association.

INNOV-8-2-CREATE aims to support and sustain a more connected, inclusive and efficient innovation ecosystem in Europe.
This project will foster collaboration among innovation stakeholders which will deliver a transnational, transdisciplinary, pre-accelerator programme which will enable new entrepreneurs to be trained and supported on their innovation journey. This programme will gather diverse innovation actors from a diverse set of disciplines to reach three main objectives:
- To decrease the innovation divide in Europe by deploying an existing successful initiative in new territories
- To “open up” innovation by including more stakeholders in the innovation process including female entrepreneurs and different disciplines
- To create and connect an innovation network for innovation stakeholders to foster great cooperation and knowledge sharing
Four partners are working together on this exciting project: National University of Ireland, Galway (NUIG), Università degli Studi di Torino (UniTo), ASTP, Riga Technical University (RTU).
Read more on the project website and follow the latest updates on LinkedIn and Twitter!

A network promoting the creation and development of technology-based spin-offs based on Smart Specialisation strategies.
The objective of this project is to create a network of collaboration to define and implement policies and regional strategies to allow the capitalisation of research actions developed by Public Universities and Research organisations, in order to promote the creation and development of new technology-based companies (spin-off) in the framework of regional smart specialisation strategies. The project will tackle main barriers (ideas valorisation, entrepreneurial skills, legal framework and access to finance) related to spin-offs creation and consolidation.
The consortium partners are:
- University of Zaragoza (ES)
- West Regional Development Agency (RO)
- SATT Conectus Alsace (FR)
- Kaunas Science and Technology Park (Lithuania)
- Western Development Commission (IRE)
- Comune di Pieve di Soligo (IT)
- Council of Tampere Region (FIN)
Read more:
Kick-off Meeting | VIADUCT Bridging the Gap

Alliance4Life expands to twelve leading Life Science institutions from eleven EU Member States located in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). In line with its mission, Alliance4Life aims to further contribute to closing the divide in European health research and innovation.
As a source of good practices successfully piloted during the previous phase, the Alliance4Life will build upon its results and impact achieved so far and convert its recommendations and strategies into actions:
- Culture fostering excellence: piloting peer-evaluation and assessment of institutional practice as a strategic management tool, professionalizing research administration;
- Recognition and trust towards CEE: attracting advanced partners to identified pockets of excellence, supporting scientific ideas originating in CEE, initiating new international projects and collaborations with industry;
- Career policy nurturing talent: training and networking next generation of leaders, upgrading institutional career systems;
- Impact on innovation: raising the competences of technology transfer specialists, creating industry relations platform linking academia and industry;
- Spill-over effects: sharing, inspiring, communicating with stakeholders and policy makers; using the established networks to gain advice, new collaborations, and EU-wide impact.
Alliance4Life Members:
- ‒ Masaryk University – CEITEC, Czech Republic
- ‒ St. Anne's University Hospital Brno – ICRC, Czech Republic
- ‒ Biomedical Research Center of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Slovakia
- ‒ Medical University of Łodz, Poland
- ‒ University of Zagreb School of Medicine, Croatia
- ‒ University of Tartu, Estonia
- ‒ Vilnius University – Faculty of Medicine, Lithuania
- ‒ Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis, Latvia
- ‒ University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
- ‒ Semmelweis University, Hungary
- ‒ Medical University Sofia, Bulgaria
- ‒ University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Carol Davila" Bucharest, Romania

KT SoftSkills
The KTSoftSkills is a three-year (Dec 2022-Nov 2025) project, co-funded by the Erasmus Plus Programme of the European Union, which aims to remove barriers between HEIs and external partners by supporting and improving their mutual understanding and negotiation processes.
Knowledge transfer (KT) professionals, as cooperation partnerships builders and managers, play a key role in leading the complex processes of working between research and business and community organisations. Thus, KT professionals can exacerbate or smooth those barriers to HEI-business cooperation.
The project aims to enhance KT professionals' competencies, specifically soft and transversal skills, that may support the transformation of HEIs into more inclusive organizations. In other words, the project aims to
(a) improve the impact of knowledge transfer (KT) activities,
(b) foster the actual and expected contribution of collaborative projects, and
(c) build more inclusive and effective collaboration partnerships between HEIs and firms.
With the objective of designing a soft skills training programme for KT professionals, the Consortium is involved in different types of activities – including interviews, focus groups, international meetings, and validation activities – aiming at systematising the set of soft skills (e.g., negotiation, conflict resolution, alliances formation capabilities) that KT professionals need – beyond the hard ones – as well as providing homogeneous materials and tools for training KT professionals across Europe, to create a standardised set of competencies across different types of organisations.
By making KT more effective, inclusive and impactful, we expect a multilevel impact out of the project: at the horizontal level, the project is going to promote common values, civic engagement and participation by enhancing critical thinking and making relationships between society, business and HEIs more effective for addressing societal challenges. At a more specific level, the project aims at promoting inter-connected and inclusive HEIs through the design of a training programme for KT professionals, to create wide collaborative networks within and across countries.
The Consortium is coordinated by the University of Bologna – Department of Management (prof. Elisa Villani) – and includes other five partners from four European Countries: ASTP, Helsinki Think Company, Jagiellonian University, Netval, and SOPU Academy.

ERA SHUTTLE is creating a cross-sectoral framework for collaboration and possibilities for talents from different backgrounds to address contemporary health and environmental challenges and produce innovative solutions for the benefit of society.
The project's main goal is to foster Research and Innovation (R&I) capacity to benefit participating countries: Poland, Croatia, and Malta. This will be achieved by bolstering R&I support capacities, boosting cross-sectoral collaboration, and implementing cross-sectoral knowledge valorisation and talent circulation experiments while boosting the attractiveness of regional R&I ecosystems.
The consortium is coordinated by the University of Split (Croatia)
Consortium partners:
University of Gdansk (Poland)
University of Malta (Malta)
Schiller & Mertens GbR (Germany)
Steinbeis Wissens- und Technologietransfer GmbH (Germany)
Central European Research Infrastructure Consortium (Italy)
ASTP (Netherlands)
AcrossLimits (Malta)

IMPAC3T-IP is an ambitious Coordination and Support Action that aims to develop, pilot and support the sustainable adoption of a scenario based licensing ToolBox through a certified user and trainer programme, for efficient IP licensing for market uptake and societal value creation. IMPAC3T-IP explores three main licensing scenarios:
Update to text on IMPAC3T-IP on ASTP website: https://www.astp4kt.eu/development/third-party-projects/
IMPAC3T-IP is an ambitious EU-funded Coordination and Support Action that aims to address the changing landscape of licensing through the development of a Toolbox and training programme supporting IP stakeholders, whether licensing professionals, researchers, innovative enterprises or policymakers.
The Toolbox and training programme explore three core licensing scenarios:
- Classical Plus: licensing that goes beyond the traditional objective of economic gain from industrial rights, to support wider impact from more diverse assets.
- Crisis: Supporting more Equitable Access to technologies, to pre-empt and address crises (for example medical emergencies), with a focus on Lower- and Middle-Income Countries.
- Co-creation: IP created by complex partnerships with multiple owners and diverse licensing objectives.
This will support licensing that goes beyond classical scenarios and embraces new technology trends, such as the digitalisation of licensing tools.
IMPAC3T-IP Toolbox and Academy
The toolbox, itself divided into specific scenario-based kits aims to provide a detailed understanding of how stakeholders can tackle changes in licensing, learn from case studies, make use of IP assets and build their skills and capacities.
Take-up and use of the Toolbox will be supported by the IMPAC3T-IP Academy. The IMPAC3T-IP Academy will offer a certified training programme with the objective of establishing a community of certified users and a pool of trainers who are confident to introduce and use the toolbox with their clients and colleagues.
Find out more about IMPAC3T-IP as well as the upcoming Toolbox and Academy.
IMPAC3T-IP is a 3-year action funded by the European Commission, beginning in December 2023.
META Group, Universidad de Alicante, University College Dublin, Demola, Areopa, Atrineo, ASTP.
Associate Partners