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Journals and Articles

The Keys to Successful Technology In-Licensing

In designing new products and services, companies consider licensing technology as a means of getting to market quickly while reducing risk as well as the expenditure associated with the development stage.


Journals and Articles

The MAGIC for Successful Technology Transfer

In a perfect world of licensing, TTOs may dream of a discovery licensed to a medical company, which continues developing it until it has established proof-of-concept in humans.


Journals and Articles

The Value of Open Innovation

Open innovation asserts that a company or organization should make greater use of external ideas in its business and allow its own ideas to go out beyond its own boundaries to others to use in their businesses


Journals and Articles

Monodisperse microbubbles produce ultra-clear ultrasound images

Traditional imaging techniques used to be a bane to patients concerned about their long-term health and finances. With the patented microfluidic technique introduced by Tide Microfluidics in medical imaging, such issues may finally be a thing of the past.


Journals and Articles

Understanding why some patents get licensed…while others do not

Technology licensing is an activity where the owner of a patent (the licensor) allows another party (the licensee) the rights to use, adapt and commercialize that patent in exchange for compensation.


Journals and Articles

What Disruption Actually Is (and What it’s Not)

Technology licensing is an activity where the owner of a patent (the licensor) allows another party (the licensee) the rights to use, adapt and commercialize that patent in exchange for compensation.


Journals and Articles

Where are the women entrepreneurs, angels and venture capitalists?

Women remain under-represented in science and business including in the creation and operation of spin-off companies from public research institutions.


Journals and Articles

Who should pay for knowledge exchange?

Economic theories of the market and public goods in the evaluation and method for HEIF.


Journals and Articles

Why Strengthening the Core and Creating Value Matters!

On May 31st, ASTP-Proton’s seventeenth Annual Conference will kick off in Budapest and now it is time to reflect on how far our organisation has come and what lies ahead.


Journals and Articles

4 Ways Open Innovation Can Drive Your Business Forward

Ever since General Electric built the first industrial lab in 1900, research and development has been a highly secretive affair. Security protocols have been regarded almost as important as scientific ones. Industrial espionage has often been pursued as zealously as the political variety.