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Tea with ASTP: Non-financial Impact of KE

This seminar investigates the importance of these non-financial impacts, such as social, cultural, and environmental contributions. Additionally, it suggests a very simple but still useful methodology that can be employed to assess and address these impacts. This seminar also highlights the integral role of KE professionals in bridging academia with industry and society, emphasising their efforts in promoting and measuring these impacts holistically.



Tea with ASTP: Collaborating instead of pushing the IP

In this session Carlo Duprel, Head of Technology Transfer Office at SnT, University of Luxembourg, provided an overview on how to setup and execute an impactful strategy of long-term collaborative research projects with companies, across different industries while ensuring scientific excellence. Sharing costs, IP access, benefits for researchers and companies – what makes the SnT Partnership Programme so interesting for different actors?



"Green" Tea with ASTP

Plastic Omnium organised an Open Innovation Challenge in partnership with SoScience. Its objective was to accelerate innovation leveraging collective intelligence through an open innovation approach. The benefits of an open innovation approach were discussed in this webinar with the ASTP community.

  • Aimed at: New Professionals,


Tea with ASTP : Key success factors for technology transfer

The meeting with reflections on the work of the European project ProgressTT, on the key success factors (KSF’s) for technology transfer, and the role of the research institution's management and the TTO office.

  • Aimed at: working practices, case studies


Tea with ASTP: Creating Successful Collaborations

In this Tea with ASTP, two KT veterans Jeff Skinner and Christophe Haunold, shared their experiences of developing successful collaborations, highlighting routes to success and pitfalls to avoid.