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IMPAC3T-IP Project | D2.1 Report on scenarios and intervention point

IMPAC3T-IP is an ambitious Coordination and Support Action that aims to develop, pilot and support the sustainable adoption of a scenario based licensing ToolBox through a certified user and trainer programme, for efficient IP licensing for market uptake and societal value creation. This document is an output of Work Package 2: Scenario definition and process mapping.

  • Aimed at: Licensing professionals, researchers, innovative enterprises and policy makers


INNOV-8-2-CREATE Toolkit

The INNOV-8-2-CREATE Toolkit is designed to enable universities, innovation hubs, and stakeholders across Europe to replicate the pre-accelerator programme effectively. In addition to providing step-by-step guidance, templates, and examples, the toolkit ensures the programme's sustainability, inclusivity, and scalability.

  • Aimed at: Universities, Academic Institutions, Innovation Stakeholders, Technology Transfer Offices, Programme Facilitators
  • University: University of Galway Innovation Office, University of Turin, and Riga Technical University


Digital Innovations SIG: World Lunch #10

The Digital Innovations SIG webinar explores software compliance with open-source licensing, focusing on ensuring ownership and avoiding third-party rights conflicts. Discussions include the use, development, and implementation of software repositories, their challenges, and benefits for licensing and commercial opportunities. Participants share insights and best practices for effective repository management.



Digital Innovations SIG: World Lunch #9

In this webinar Sjaak Brinkkemper presents his vision on entrepreneurship in ecosystems: starting a software company is relatively easy, but continuing the enterprise in a solid and sustainable manner is extremely difficult. He investigates decision making on software production: product roadmapping, product/service duality, customer involvement, productisation, and internationalisation. He also pays attention to the role of the Knowledge Transfer Office in the ecosystem in a very early stage.



Digital Innovations SIG: World Lunch #8

Brechtje Vreenegoor is manager of the KTO Wageningen University and Research. She discussed ‘servitisation’ of open-source models. Numerous models are being valorised in different ways, but it is difficult to advise researchers on what they should do. Why does something work one time and not another? And do we even know what works: how do we determine success?



Tea with ASTP: Creation of IP Policy

In this Tea with ASTP, Relika Williams and Christophe Haunold were joined by other guests to share their experiences around creating, approving and executing IP management policy for universities. Three different perspectives: from a drafting point of view, an approval / feedback collection, and execution of a long standing policy. Why do we need it? What are the ingredients of a good policy? How to implement, approve and promote it?



Digital Innovations SIG: World Lunch #7

A few years ago, the Max Planck Society introduced a partially standardised licensing model for spin-offs. The model includes a 10% stake of Max Planck in the companies and, in some cases, milestone payments or royalties. The model has proved to be successful in most cases. Only in the start-up projects, which are solely based on software code the model was sometimes considered unfair by the founders. The Max Planck Society has since then revised the model for these special technologies again.



Digital Innovations SIG: World Lunch #6

With Laura Spinardi, Head of Technology Transfer Office, Fondazione IRCCS Ca' Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico di Milano, we discussed the challenges of managing data in digital clinical research: not just the privacy/personal data issues, but also data management and data sharing within collaborative research projects, using data for machine learning and training, and the ease or difficulty of transferring data in licensing and spin out opportunities.



Tea with ASTP: Collaborating instead of pushing the IP

In this session Carlo Duprel, Head of Technology Transfer Office at SnT, University of Luxembourg, provided an overview on how to setup and execute an impactful strategy of long-term collaborative research projects with companies, across different industries while ensuring scientific excellence. Sharing costs, IP access, benefits for researchers and companies – what makes the SnT Partnership Programme so interesting for different actors?