Results of the EUA survey on universities and innovation
Innovation ecosystems for a sustainable Europe: How to enhance the contribution of universities
Innovation ecosystems for a sustainable Europe: How to enhance the contribution of universities
From March to November 2021, the European Commission consulted European and international stakeholders on how to facilitate and speed up reform so that the quality, performance and impact of research and researchers are assessed on the basis of more appropriate criteria and processes.
Hosted by ZonMw, this page provides guidance on how to set these agreements out properly and what to look out for. This information is intended as an aid in establishing (collaboration) agreements; no rights can be derived from this.
Recording of the online workshop organised by the Digital Innovations SIG on 29 April 2021 | The Present and Future of Software Licensing - Mirko Lukacs of Utrecht Holdings
Released by the EPO and the EUIPO, this study shows that companies which own at least one patent, registered design or trade mark generate on average 20% higher revenues per employee than companies which do not own any of those intellectual property rights (IPRs).
The World Intellectual Property Indicators 2020 report covers 2019 data, predating the human and economic shock of the COVID-19 pandemic. What this year’s WIPI documents, however, is a strong foundation of IP activity that will serve as a base for new advancements as the pandemic subsides.
Valorisation of scientific results Patent commercialisation scoreboard: European universities and PROs”, finds that licensing is by far the preferred channel of commercialisation (accounting for 70% of the commercialisation of inventions), followed by R&D co-operation (14%) and the sale of patents (9%).
In this webinar recording, Anja Zimmerman, discusses how knowledge and technology transfer can happen in numerous ways, from publication of research results to collaborations between scientist, between research organisations, between academia and industry or by creating companies.
Sometimes universities and research organisations fail to turn research results into marketable products or services, not because of lack of scientific excellence or technical innovativeness but, because of non-technological barriers such as economic, environmental, social, regulatory, or legal obstacles.
Frugal Innovation is the art of developing solutions by “doing more with less" creating more aggregate value for a client while reducing energy, waste, complexity, time and capital of a product. Hear Allan Báez Morales, Director of Programs and Partnerships at the Frugal Innovation Hub, University of Santa Clara, Ca.
ASTP Board member, since 2019, Alessandra Baccigotti examines the 'buzz' around Open Science, Open Access, Open Data, Open Source, Open Innovation
Large healthcare datasets, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning can change the clinical innovation landscape. However, data access and valorisation cannot discount patients' rights; dealing with clinical data often represents a challenge for the collaboration between universities and research hospitals.
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