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Tea with ASTP : Open Source Software - how to avoid pitfalls

Recording of the webinar: Open Source Software – how to avoid pitfalls. Discover different cases involving Open Source Software with different types of licenses including situations to avoid and pitfalls.



Tea with ASTP: Moving towards a unified JOA Model

Recording of the webinar: Moving towards a unified Joint Ownership Agreement (JOA) model. Enjoy the discussion on: What happens when more than one university owns IP? Developing common principles for inter-university agreements.



Tea with ASTP: Technology Transfer and the COVID-19 Crisis

Recording of the webinar: University Technology Transfer and the Covid-19 Crisis. Learn some of the practical issues facing TTOs - leadership, where to focus resources, what are the priorities, remote working, staff welfare.



4 Reasons 4 Trademark

Explore this guide on how you develop a trademark protection strategy and safeguard your brand.

  • Aimed at: TTOs, SMEs
  • University: 4ip Council
  • TTO: 4ip Council

Training Materials

Business Development Part 2

What do businesses want? How do we find them and what do they want? How to find contacts and develop leads