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Digital Innovations World Lunch #3

Speaker, Koen Verhoef, will be discussing conceptual and procedural aspects of providing such data access and will share details on the commercial terms of a number contracts that we have negotiated with Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning companies. As this is a relatively new aspect that KTOs are dealing with, we aim to make this an interactive session and hope that participants are willing to share their own experiences on this topic.



Tea with ASTP: Glimpses of the Spanish landscape, get set for 2024

Welcome to the new year and the first Tea with ASTP of 2024. As we prepare for the Annual Conference in Seville, Spain this May we will take a look at the KT landscape in Spain and discuss what to expect from the conference.



Digital Innovations SIG: World Lunch #2, Digital Start-ups

Malcolm Bain and Florian Kirschenhofer, two of the coordinators of the DI SIG discuss specific challenges for digital start-ups, including IP identification, protection and licensing models, business models, key issues for tech transfer agreements, and ongoing collaboration with university.



Tea with ASTP: Forget the guesstimate

Forget the guesstimate: a statistics-based approach to royalty structuring and quantifying



Digital Innovations SIG: World Lunch #1, Open Source

This first edition of the Digital Innovations SIG's Online World Lunch discussed Open Science and Open-Source policies of universities. Increasingly result in academic software are published under a Free Open-Source Software (FOSS) license.

  • Aimed at: Digital Innovators, Sofware specialists
  • TTO: TTO

Training Materials

Present and Future of Software Licensing

Recording of the online workshop organised by the Digital Innovations SIG on 29 April 2021 | The Present and Future of Software Licensing - Mirko Lukacs of Utrecht Holdings



Tea with ASTP : Open Source Software - how to avoid pitfalls

Recording of the webinar: Open Source Software – how to avoid pitfalls. Discover different cases involving Open Source Software with different types of licenses including situations to avoid and pitfalls.