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Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Toolkit for Europe: A Milestone in Knowledge Transfer

The newly launched Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Toolkit – Adapted for Europe, is an essential resource designed to empower Knowledge and Technology Transfer Offices (K/TTOs) across Europe with actionable strategies to promote equity, celebrate diversity, and foster inclusion.



EDI: Mental Health in KT

Explore the importance of mental health in the Knowledge Transfer sector and how KTOs can lead the way in creating a culture of wellness and support. Join our webinar Breaking the Silence: Mental Health in KT, to gain insights on promoting well-being in this field.



Mental Health: a primer

Explore the connection between mental and physical health in this primer by Becca Switzer. Learn about diagnosis, treatment, and how embracing neurodiversity and mental health management can enhance quality of life and creativity.



What's in store for women in innovation?

In this intriguing episode with three outstanding female talents, Camilla Carrapatoso, Emily Devonald and Anji Miller will discuss and share their experiences and challenges of working in and with innovation.



Tea with ASTP: Glimpses of the Spanish landscape, get set for 2024

Welcome to the new year and the first Tea with ASTP of 2024. As we prepare for the Annual Conference in Seville, Spain this May we will take a look at the KT landscape in Spain and discuss what to expect from the conference.



Strategies for Strengthening Equality, Diversity & Inclusion in KT

In April 2022, ASTP hosted its first international meeting on Strategies for Strengthening Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion in KT. Hosted by ASTP Board member, Anji Miller, she was joined by Maxine Ficarra of ParxisAuril, Megan Aanstoos of Kentucky Commercialization Ventures (KCV), May Low of Kiwi Innovation Network Limited, and Intan Hamdan-Livramento of WIPO.