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Tea with ASTP: Moving towards a unified JOA Model

Recording of the webinar: Moving towards a unified Joint Ownership Agreement (JOA) model. Enjoy the discussion on: What happens when more than one university owns IP? Developing common principles for inter-university agreements.



4 Reasons 4 Trademark

Explore this guide on how you develop a trademark protection strategy and safeguard your brand.

  • Aimed at: TTOs, SMEs
  • University: 4ip Council
  • TTO: 4ip Council


The 'Entrepreneurs in Transit' at University of Manchester

The University of Manchester Intellectual Property (UMIP) was established in 2004 as the University’s agent for intellectual property management and commercialisation.

  • Aimed at: TTOs
  • University: The University of Manchester (United Kingdom)
  • TTO: The University of Manchester Intellectual Property (UMIP)