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Tea with ASTP: Student IP Policy

In this webinar Jeff Skinner leads an exploration of the vexed issue of Student IP. He focuses on two aspects, the policy itself and how agreements are reached with students. Both elements are critical: no matter how clear (and generous) the policy, it is often the process that gets in the way.

  • Aimed at: Academic leaders at research centres, TTO & KTO Directors


Grants and Collaborations-contributions from third parties

Hosted by ZonMw, this page provides guidance on how to set these agreements out properly and what to look out for. This information is intended as an aid in establishing (collaboration) agreements; no rights can be derived from this.



Tea with ASTP: WIPO Mediation and Tech Transfer Disputes

This Webinar focused on the conduct of mediation, including the online conduct of mediation, with a particular reference to the practical case application of the WIPO Mediation Rules in international IP and technology disputes.

  • Aimed at: Academic leaders at research centres, TTO & KTO Directors


Doing Business in the United States

Biotechnology and genetics research have been the subject of extensive investment by both the public and private sectors, with the resulting products and processes making a significant and increasing contribution to human health and health care.



Tea with ASTP: Defining Inventorship

We have all been involved in cases regarding inventorship. Some of these situations can be either tricky or can be solved in a more fact-based manner. Research staff often don't know the difference between a co-author of an article and a co-inventor. This webinar drills down into the details of Defining Inventorship.

  • Aimed at: Academic leaders at research centres, TTO & KTO Directors


Study highlights economic benefits of owning IP rights

Released by the EPO and the EUIPO, this study shows that companies which own at least one patent, registered design or trade mark generate on average 20% higher revenues per employee than companies which do not own any of those intellectual property rights (IPRs).

  • Aimed at: Academic leaders at research centres, TTO & KTO Directors , SMEs
  • University: EPO report


World Intellectual Property Indicators 2020

The World Intellectual Property Indicators 2020 report covers 2019 data, predating the human and economic shock of the COVID-19 pandemic. What this year’s WIPI documents, however, is a strong foundation of IP activity that will serve as a base for new advancements as the pandemic subsides.

  • Aimed at: Academic leaders at research centres, TTO & KTO Directors


4 Reasons 4 Trademark

Explore this guide on how you develop a trademark protection strategy and safeguard your brand.

  • Aimed at: TTOs, SMEs
  • University: 4ip Council
  • TTO: 4ip Council