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Guidelines: Licensing genetic inventions

Biotechnology and genetics research have been the subject of extensive investment by both the public and private sectors, with the resulting products and processes making a significant and increasing contribution to human health and health care.



Guidelines: Human biobanks and genetic research databases

Human biobanks and genetic research databases which bring together and allow the sharing of human biological material and information derived from its analysis, are a key element of the scientific infrastructure underpinning such research.



Drug Discovery and Development: Understanding the R&D process

The path from understanding a disease to bringing a safe and effective new treatment to patients is lengthy and complex. Scientists work to piece together the basic causes of disease at the level of genes, proteins and cells.



Drivers and Bottlenecks in the European Knowledge Transfer Process

This White Paper summarizes the reflections and discussions during the meetings of the Advisory Board of the EU FP7 project Entente (HEALTH-F1- 2012-305128 )



Research and Development Collaborations training

“You don’t have to make all the mistakes yourself” - this September’s raft of ASTP-Proton training courses are lining up to make a real impact on the professional development and network community of the participants.



Securing staff skills at Politecnico di Milano

The TTO of Polytechnic of Milan is one of the first technology transfer offices established in Italy and is among the founding members of the Netval (TTO Network of the Italian universities).

  • Aimed at: TTOs
  • University: Polytechnic of Milan (Italy)
  • TTO: TTO Milano


Starting, financing and building life science technology to success

The development of life science technologies typically involve long timelines and stringent regulatory hurdles, which in combination result in a high investment capital need. In contrast, the financial and societal reward can be tremendous in case of success.



UNICO Guide on Key Issues in Managing Technology Transfer Agreements

This UNICO Practical Guide covers a selection of topics that are relevant to the management of technology transfer (TT) agreements and relationships.



Processes and requirements with respect to spin-out company formation

While the IP Office recognizes that the specifics of any start-up company development may be unique, it has identified a number of common elements and the IP Office has developed standard mechanisms and support structures to assist with this process.



Practices, policies and possibilities in licensing in Human Genetics

This document starts from the observation that in tandem with rapid advances in biotechnology research having valuable applications for use in healthcare the Canadian technology transfer activity has grown significantly.