- ASTP membership runs for 12 months
- The invoice for the annual membership is sent once a year
- Upon registration during the calendar year, the full annual fee will be charged without any deductions
- Membership cancellations should be sent to headquarters@astp4kt.eu done by written notice 1 month before expected renewal
- In case of cancellation during the calendar year there will be no refund for the remainder of the current year
- Membership is only valid if all dues and payments have been received
- Membership is personal and follows the member changes for that calendar year
- Membership is not transferable during the calendar year and remains personal
- Ultimately, the member is responsible for fulfilling all obligations arising from their membership
- Every member should register themselves through the ASTP website and thereafter maintain data as far as possible through the members’ area. Alternatively, please notify changes directly to ASTP headquarters
- ASTP reserves the right to determine eligibility of membership
- New members will receive a confirmation letter and an invoice
- Descriptions of the various membership types and the conditions which apply to themare available on our website